Talk about about faith! Correct me if I am wrong, but I can't think of any other place in the bible or any other prayers of the bible whereby Jesus healed "johnny on the spot" without having to go to someone or someplace. Oh yes, He may have been somewhere that didn't require Him to go, but that's not what I am talking about. He went to the ruler of the synagogue's house in order to raise the damsel from the Lazarus's tomb, He went . No where were prayers of the bible answered with such faith
Apparently this guy hung out with Jesus enough to get to know Him. This centurion was impressed with Jesus , whom he likened to himself as one under authority. He recognized that Jesus wasn't just an ordinary man, but that he had all of the power of God Almighty behind Him.
Another jewel of information that I believe most people over look regarding the character of the centurion is the fact of his humility. Keep in mind that a centurion ranked between an officer and a non commissioned officer; in today's vernacular that would be about the same as a sergeant major. This places him in a position of great responsibility and authority. For someone else in his position it may have been too humbling for him to go to Jesus. If he had been stuck on himself no way would this conversation ever take place.
America could really use him as president today!
I enjoyed the readings. Good Christian content.